12-Year-Old Amputee’s Journey with A Step Ahead on Doctors Show

Memphis is a twelve-year-old quadruple amputee who lost all four limbs due to Meningitis, and was referred to us due to our extensive experience in fitting difficult and unique cases. Two weeks after being fitted with new arm and leg prostheses, Memphis was mobile again – after a decade of being bound to a wheelchair. The diagram below shows the drastic posture transformation resulted from properly fitting devices and a rigorous gait training program.

UPDATE: Since returning to Texas, Memphis has continued to thrive in being mobile and independent. He’s an amazing boy who has inspired us all, and continues to do so with the occasional surprise FaceTime calls! :)

Watch Memphis making himself a drink only a few days after getting his new hand prostheses here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBod-maxWsc

In addition to being able to make himself a drink, Memphis is now capable of tying his own shoelaces, using a fork and knife to eat, and opening up doors for himself and others.


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